
Meidän täytyi tappaa potilaamme

"With gangs of rapists and looters rampaging through wards ..., senior doctors took the harrowing decision to give massive overdoses of morphine to those they believed could not make it out alive."

"Some of the very sick became distressed. We tried to make them as comfortable as possible.

"The pharmacy was under lockdown because gangs of armed looters were roaming around looking for their fix. You have to understand these people were going to die anyway."

Ylläoleva ei kerro Nigeriasta, eikä muustakaan kehitysmaan konfliktista. Se ei myöskään kerro Tsunamin uhreista. Se ei myöskään kerro menneistä konflikteista.

"We divided patients into three categories: those who were traumatised but medically fit enough to survive, those who needed urgent care, and the dying.

Se kertoo tämän päivän Luisianasta, tämän päivän Yhdysvalloista. Maailman mahtavimmasta valtiosta.

- lähde: Daily Mail

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