

The bilingual labels sewn into backpacks and briefcases by Tom Bihn, a Port Angeles manufacturer, earlier this week carried more than care instructions. Appended to the French version of those instructions were the words, "Nous sommes désolés que notre president soit un idiot. Nous n'avons pas voté pour lui." In English, that means, "We are sorry our president is an idiot. We didn't vote for him."

Yrityksen johtaja ja omistaja, Tom Bihn, kertoo ettei tiedä kuka etiketit on ommellut tuotteisiin ja miksi.

He doesn't know who made the unauthorized amendment and doesn't much care. No one was reprimanded or fired.

Kuinka ollakaan, yhtiön myynti on tuplaantunut sen jälkeen kun tieto etiketeistä levisi...

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