
Sanovat sitä ihmeruuaksi

Sitä myydään joka kaupassa, sen syönti on eettisesti oikein, se on terveellistä jne... Näinhän me uskomme soijasta ja etenkin sen ilmenemismuodosta tofusta.

Mutta onko asia näin oikeasti? Siis aikuisten oikeasti?

Tohtori Lorrain Anderson Belfast Royal Maternity Hospitalista on tutkinut soijan yhteyttä miesten hedelmättömyyteen.

"Anderson's 'eureka' moment arrived when a complex analysis of the samples she was working on revealed that the seminal liquid surrounding the slower-moving sperm contained chemicals called isoflavones. These compounds are also known as phyto-oestrogens or plant-oestrogens because they mimic oestrogen, the powerful female hormone.

These highly active compounds are found in large concentrations in soya. Indeed such are the doses of these chemicals, a woman drinking two glasses of soya milk a day over the course of a month will see the timing of her menstrual cycle alter. It has been estimated that infants who are fed soya formula exclusively receive an amount of oestrogen equivalent to five birth control pills every day."

Hmmm... Eikä tässä viekä kaikki. Soijan viljely tuhoaa peläkstään Argentiinassa n.20 jalkapallokentällistä viidakkoa tunnissa...

"Located more than 1,000 miles north west of Buenos Aires and close to the Chilean and Bolivian borders, Las Lajitas is the agricultural capital of a region that has seen untrammelled expansion in soya production. Where only a few years ago thick native forests filled the landscape, now all that stands between Las Lajitas and the Andes shimmering on the horizon are green pastures sprouting soya.

Satellite photos of the region show the dramatic change. Only 15 years ago the area appeared from space as a lush green carpet, now it resembles a threadbare rug covered with the spreading stains of soya plantations. The figures speak for themselves: in 1971 soya was only farmed on 37,000 hectares; now the area covered is more than 14m hectares and rising. Soya now occupies more land in Argentina than all other crops added together, covering more than half the country's arable land. It is predicted that 10,000 hectares of forest is being lost every year - the equivalent of 20 football fields an hour. If this continues, in five years' time the country's native forests will disappear completely"

Lisää aiheesta löytyy Observerin jutusta. Kannataa lukea ennen kuin ostaa seuraavan kerran tofua...

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