
Petturien ja sotaherrojen sukua.

George Bushin englantilaiset sukuhuuret tulivat esille jo hänen ensimmäisessä vaalikampanjassaan, mutta USA:n presidenttien perinteistä Irlanti korttia hän ei kummassakaan kampanjassaan käyttänyt.

Yleensähän USA:n presidentit ovat korostaneet kaikkia linkkejä Irlantiin. Bill Clinton totesi kerran "I feel more Irish each day."

Bushilla on kuitenkin erittäin vahvat siteet Irlantiin. Hän on sukua mm. Richard de Clare:lle, Pembroken jaarlille, joka tunnettiin myös nimellä Strongbow. "[He] is remembered as a desperate, land-grabbing warlord whose calamitous foreign adventure led to the suffering of generations. Shunned by Henry II, he offered his services as a mercenary in the 12th-century invasion of Wexford in exchange for power and land. When he eventually died of a festering ulcer in his foot, his enemies said it was the revenge of Irish saints whose shrines he had violated."

Mutta de Clare on kuitenkin puhtoisimpia Bushin klaanin esi-isistä....

"The genetic line can also be traced to Dermot MacMurrough, the Gaelic king of Leinster reviled in history books as the man who sold Ireland for personal gain.

Even before MacMurrough earned the title of Ireland's worst traitor by inviting Strongbow's invasion to save himself from a local feud, the Irish chieftain had a reputation for gore. One English chronicler told how MacMurrough, recognising the features of a personal enemy poking from a pile of severed heads after a battle, snatched up the rotting flesh and tore it with his teeth in a "hideous frenzy

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