
Nettikauppa pelasti Englannin Postin...

Royal Mail Britanniassa teki vielä jokin aika sitten £1,5 miljoonaa tappiota, joka päivä. Rankan tervehdyttämis-ohjelman (mm. 30 000 irtisanominen) jälkeen voittoa tulee jo £537 miljoonaa vuodessa.

Postikonttoreiden päälliköiden mielestä eBay:tä on myös kiittäminen:

"Post Office managers say the money spent by eBay users, who send up to £4 billion worth of goods through the post each year, has played a vital part.

On postal orders alone, which many people use to pay for eBay purchases, a rise in sales of almost 10 per cent in the past year has brought £350 million into the coffers.

Hienointa asiassa on tietysti, että eBay:n kautta tulee niin tuloja, että jo suljettavaksi suunnitellut konttorit ovat saamassa jatkoajan.

According to Postwatch, 6,000 post offices across England and Wales could face closure, but many have now been offered a life-line.

Blanford Mount Post Office, in Dorset, was under threat but Jacky Goulbins, the officer-in-charge, said that several factors, including "more than a 50 per cent increase in parcels due to eBay", had made it viable.


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